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LGBT Foster Carers

LGBT Foster Carers

Fostering Dimensions believe that your personal qualities and passion for changing children’s lives are what make you a great foster carer, not your gender or sexual orientation and this will not stop your endeavours in becoming LGBT foster carers.
If you are Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual or Transexual and are a part of the LGBT Community, then fostering may be for you.

LGBT foster carers face the same challenges as other foster carers and if you are considering fostering, you may be wondering if this is something you can do. Well, the answer is yes, of course, you can. The LGBT community have been fostering for many years and, they are changing children’s lives every single day. You could change a child’s life today.

I’m single and a part of the LGBT community: can I foster?

A common question we are asked is whether you can foster if you’re single? A foster carer is not determined by your relationship status or sexual orientation but on your personal attributes and dedication to opening up your heart and your home.

Whether LGBT foster carers are of interest or whether you come from a single househould, we belive that it is your personal qualities that make you a great candidate for fostering.

Whether you are single or in a relationship, if you can provide a stable home, we’ll equip you with the training and support you need to really make a difference.

Fostering Dimensions pride themselves on being able to seek responsible and caring adults to become foster carers and whether your gay, Lesbian, Bisexual or Transexual, this will not affect your application to foster. We welcome fosters carers from all walks of life and with all sorts of experiences. LGBT foster carers are drawn from all the communities that make up our diverse and vibrant nation and we reflect that when you foster with us.

Fostering Dimensions are dedicated to providing great support for any foster parents because we know it can be a long and difficult process but with the most rewarding outcome! Please don’t hesitate to inquire if you are serious about fostering and giving a child a bright future.

Foster carers face many challenges to a family, however, your sexuality or relationship status isn’t one of them. If this is the life you are looking for, you can also be a part of this rewarding and fulfilling future of fostering in Nottingham.

Enquire with Fostering Dimensions today; an independent fostering agency that values experience, insight and most importantly, their LGBT foster carers.

Your Next Step

We are always looking for new carers including LGBT foster carers. Take your first step towards your new future as a foster carer.

0115 979 2515