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Foster Care Fortnight 2019

Foster Care Fortnight 2019
23rd May 2019 Fostering Dimensions
Foster Care Fortnight 2019

Could you change a future?

We’re in the midst of Foster Care Fortnight, an annual campaign that raises the profile of fostering and more importantly, the work and passion that goes into foster care and how fostering transforms lives. This is more than just a foster carer recruitment campaign and awareness for such an important industry should be 24/7.

Foster Care Fortnight has been in place since 13th May up until 26th May but we’re going to dive a little deeper into how we can #changeafuture.

Foster care changes futures and becoming a foster carer can change your life. You are changing the futures of your foster children. You are making a change. We appreciate you may not be in a position to foster in Nottingham or may not know what to expect, but one thing we can all do is raise awareness to get these foster children the homes they deserve. Fostering has the potential to be life-changing for fostered children and young people – it can #changeafuture.

You can change a future just by getting involved and we’re going to tell you how.

Spread the word this Foster Care Fortnight

The biggest aim that Foster Care Fortnight has is the raise awareness for all things fostering and more importantly, the hard work and amazing things foster carers do every single day. What better way to gain the most detailed picture of what is it like to be a foster carer than by hearing their stories first hand? If you’re a foster carer, get involved and spread the word. Let your voice be heard by thousands and inspire people to take the same steps you did when you become a foster carer. Even if one person hears your story and decides to become a foster carer, you have changed a future.

Whether you’re a foster carer or not, encourage people to research and visit our website so they can find all of the information they need. If you’re not a foster carer and are considering becoming one, see if you can foster here.

Be social on Social Media

Living in the digital-driven world we do, the best way to get your message across is by placing it in front of hundreds of friends. There are two main hashtags that are trending for Foster Care Fortnight and they are #changeafuture and #FCF19 and there are lots of ways you can join this campaign online.

Share your thoughts and feelings using the hashtags.

  1. Share a #changeafuture film – simply upload a short film about a moment in your life when your future changed. Whatever it may be – we want to hear it.Tell us about a child or young adult whos future you have helped change
  2. Add a twibbon to your profile pictures. For more information on this, click here.
  3. We appreciate that filming yourself or sharing your stories can be a daunting thing. We believe that everyone needs a little push now and then and I bet once you get yours over and done with, many more people will be inspired and do the same.


Consider becoming a foster carer

If you’ve been inspired over the past campaigns and have been considering this for a significant time, it’s never a bad time to become a foster carer. Every year, tens of thousands of children across the UK need foster carers whilst they can’t live with their own families. What does this mean we hear you say? This means we need thousands of new foster carers each year. Could you be one of them? Find out today!

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